Taking the Time

hr hr blog hr simplified human resources team Jul 18, 2023
Taking the Time

Being a solopreneur can feel like a whirlwind, with ups and downs, roundabouts, and cross streets shaping your business journey. But here's a secret: success is often found in the quiet times. Those moments when your business slows down are the perfect opportunities to plan for the future and set yourself up for growth, including building a team.

Now, I can already hear your question: "Why should I focus on building a team when there are no new customers coming through the door?" Well, let me tell you, successful teams are made before they even exist. Many of my clients come to me in a frenzy because their businesses have suddenly grown, yet they lack essential policies, procedures, onboarding processes, and contracts.

So, during these quieter periods, what can you do to propel your growth and be prepared for your future team? Let's dive in:

First and foremost, set some HR and people goals. Sure, you've probably set business, financial, and personal goals, but have you thought about when and how you'll engage new employees? You have a financial obligation to yourself and your future team to plan out the process of building your business with good HR practices in mind. Whether it's in 6 months, 12 months, or 2 years, it's crucial to start planning now. Take small steps towards those big goals and watch your preparations unfold.

One important aspect to consider is the way you work. As the mastermind behind your business, you know your products or services inside and out. But how will you teach someone else? Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are your answer. Dedicate time in the quiet periods to record how your business operates. With modern technologies, you can screen record, voice record, and document all the tasks required to keep your business running smoothly. Trust me, future you will be forever grateful for this preparation.

Your Value Proposition

Next, think about your unique value proposition. What sets you apart from the competition? Why would someone want to work with you? Whether you offer innovation, environmental sustainability, cutting-edge technology, or incredible career development opportunities, you must be clear on what you bring to the table. If you're in the service industry, it's crucial to attract the right people to your business. That's where your employee value proposition (EVP) comes into play. Your EVP should align with the values of potential employees. Surprisingly, research has shown that what businesses value doesn't always align with what employees value. For example, employers prioritise value alignment, while employees prioritise working with good people. Understanding these differences and crafting an EVP that resonates with your target employees will help you attract the right talent.

I hope these insights have shown you that even as a solopreneur, you can take strategic steps toward setting yourself up for success in HR. If you'd like more guidance on any of the topics discussed above or need help making the decision to build your team, download my free "Are You Employee Ready" document. This valuable resource will walk you through the process of making the right decision for you.

Remember, success is not just about what you achieve in the busy times, but also about what you plan and prepare for during the quiet times.

Embrace the opportunity to lay the groundwork for your future team and watch your business thrive.

Until next week

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